Five prizes of 300 € each will be granted by the Scientific Committee recognising the quality, excellence and originality of oral presentations.

Clúster TIC Galicia Prize
To: Marco Martínez Sánchez for his work "SparkEC: a Big Data tool for error correction in genetic readings". Co-authors: Roberto R. Expósito and Juan Touriño.
Granted by: Fernando Vázquez, member of the Board of Directors of the Clúster TIC Galicia and CEO of Imatia.

ITG Prize
To: Álvaro Michelena for his work "Detection of DoS attacks in an IoT environment controlled by MQTT protocol based on intelligent binary classifiers". Co-authors: Francisco Zayas Gato, Esteban Jove and José Luis Calvo Rolle.
Granted by: Óscar González Represas, Managing Director of IT and Software Engineering of Technological Institute of Galicia

The Galician Research Center for ICT Foundation Prize
To: Alejandro Puente Castro, for his poster "PRACTICUM DIRECT Simulator for decision-making during pandemics". Co-authors: Brais Galdo, Ismael Said Criado, David Baltar Boileve, Juan R. Rabuñal, Alejandro Pazos and Modesto Martínez Pillado.
Granted by: Jesús Javier Celemín Santos, Councilor for Education, Historical Memory, Innovation, Industry and Employment of A Coruña City Council

Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia Prize
To: Jorgen Gabín for his work "Multiple-Choice Question Answering Models for Automatic Depression Serverity Estimation". Co-authors: Anxo Pérez (collects the award) and Javier Parapar.
Granted by: Fernando Suárez Lorenzo, President of Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia.

Aldaba WIB Chair Award, Everis Chair in Digital Transformation and R Chair in Cybersecurity Prize
To: Aida Vidal Balea for her work "Collaborative Digital Twin: a Nobel Open-Source Augmented Reality Solution for Training and Maintenance Processes in the Shipyard of the Future". Co-authors: Óscar Blanco Novoa, Paula Fraga Lamas, Miguel Vilar Montesinos and Tiago M. Fernández Caramés.
Granted by: Mariano Cabrero Canosa, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of A Coruña.